Introducing the Advantage Program.
Is your hospital like so many others across the country and canceling surgeries because of OR staffing issues, due in large part to COVID? At the same time, are more and more people trying to schedule those elective surgeries that have been postponed or put on the back burner for the last 18 months?
What a nightmare, right?
Not necessarily.
With the DinamicOR® Back Table Solution, efficiencies in the OR increase by 33 percent. Let’s repeat that in case you missed it: OR efficiencies increase by 33 percent!
How? By providing a simple solution to the complex problem of back table clutter and chaos. Our customizable table provides for more visible instruments, reproducible placement, and ergonomic design… which all equals much greater efficiency.
In fact, to help get the word out, we’ve created an Advantage Program. The program has lots of great incentives and educational opportunities which make implementing the DinamicOR Back Table Solution into your OR a real no-brainer.
Interested but want more information? Click below to download a PDF that will give you all the details of the Advantage Program.