Are Surgical Procedure Delays Affecting Your Hospital’s Bottom Line?
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Hundreds of hospitals across the United States have temporarily postponed elective surgeries in deference to the fact that COVID-19 patients are occupying more beds in their facilities, and there simply isn’t room enough to accommodate patients requiring less urgent procedures.

It’s also true that short-staffed healthcare facilities are overworked, and many staff are nearing the point of burnout. Meanwhile, the ever-increasing number of pandemic cases seems to never stop.

The result of all this, of course, is that hospitals en masse are having their bottom lines negatively impacted, even while staffers are working harder. So what are some possible solutions to the hospital-bed-staffing-bottom-line crisis?

Avoiding surgery delays 

If operating rooms could gain efficiencies and better control that which can be controlled, delaying surgeries may not even be necessary.

One of the best ways to have a smoother running OR is to install the DinamicOR Back Table Solution in each of your operating rooms, thus gaining a net effect of more uniform and more consistent processes. On average, hospitals that implement the DinamicOR Back Table Solution gain 33 percent more efficiencies.

With the DinamicOR Back Table in place in an OR, all medical implants and instruments are much more visible and retrievable, saving critical time at important moments. The DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App (included) can be used to store vital information about all OR procedures, so staff members can be educated quickly and consistently, and so everyone is marching in step. It also allows new hires to be brought on board more efficiently and quickly because they can learn hospital procedures from the database of information in the Workflow Management App.

The bottom line

The bottom line on all this is – you don’t want your hospital’s bottom line to take a nosedive while the effects of the pandemic are being felt. It appears that the pandemic will hold sway for longer than many people thought, so it may be necessary to take steps to improve your current processes in order to avoid financial discomfort or even disaster.

Rather than try all kinds of artificial solutions, it would probably be better for your healthcare organization to make efficiency gains, and that will help to avoid some of the continuing negative impacts from the pandemic. By implementing the DinamicOR Back Table Solution in your organization, you should be able to gain enough efficiencies and financial benefits that you can avoid delaying surgeries, as well as having to make other allowances for the impact of the ongoing pandemic.